More than one way to skin a cat…

Possibly a slightly unfortunate image but what can you do if you disagree with HMRC’s view and don’t want to jump straight into the Tribunal process? Here we take a look at the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.

Latest on making tax digital

HMRC has published more information on how businesses, the self-employed and landlords will be affected by government plans to modernise the tax system.

HMRC Gift Aid rules change

New HMRC rules come into force from 6 April this year for intermediaries that collect donations for charities in relation to Gift Aid.

Gone phishing

With the approach of the HMRC’s Self Assessment online deadline and many businesses facing a March 31st year-end, online scammers are busy sending out phishing emails and texts that can fool the unwary.

Battle of the taxes – again

Every year in an attempt to encourage people completing a Self Assessment tax return to hit the 31 January deadline HMRC publishes analysis of the previous years’ returns. 

Penalties for enabling tax evasion

New regulations came into force on 1 January 2017 which mean Accountants, bankers, lawyers and other advisers who enable offshore tax evasion face tough new sanctions.


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