HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is increasing its effort to get eligible taxpayers to go online to deal with their tax arrangements rather than rely on post or telephone interaction with its staff.

If you claim tax credits from HMRC it’s worth considering applying for a renewal online to make sure your claim iscomputer mouse right processed in time, well before the 31 July 2016 deadline.

The process for renewing your claim online is said to be quick, convenient and easier than ever before. Anyone with internet access can do it once they receive their renewals pack, regardless of what changes they have to make.

When taxpayers renew a claim, they must tell HMRC about any changes to their circumstances that they haven’t already reported, including changes to working hours, childcare costs or income. Once people receive their renewal pack, these changes can be reported through the GOV.UK website.

The online service proved very popular in 2015, with more than 750,000 people renewing online and around 90% of people using it saying they were happy with the service. It only takes around six minutes to renew online, depending on circumstances.

There is also a special team to support the most vulnerable customers who cannot go online. People who HMRC already know need special support will be proactively contacted by their customer support teams.

The availability of the online service means a renewal can be done at any time of the day or night, and on any device. Online help can also answer most queries and there is a web chat facility available to support people renewing online.

If this applies to you it’s worth checking your details and renewing early to ensure you get the right money. The sooner people renew their claim, the sooner HMRC will check payments are correct, thereby avoiding a situation by which HMRC either pays too little or indeed two much which claimants then have to pay back.

This year, claimants renewing online will also be able to access a growing range of other HMRC services, including viewing their next payment, through their own online Personal Tax Account. This is a new service that puts everything in one place for taxpayers, allowing them to manage their tax affairs at a time that suits them and without the need to pick up a phone or pen. By logging in, taxpayers can already see how their tax is calculated, make changes to circumstances that affect tax or Child Benefit and claim back any overpaid money. Every UK citizen can now access their own account and more than a million already have.

Whilst there’s no denying online access to HMRC and tax information will suit a lot of people, a cynical person might wonder whether this emphasis upon online and digital is a way to manage the reduction in HMRC staff numbers and closure of tax offices around the country.


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